"A writer's tempo can only be measured by the stretch of their infinite imagination."
Calleey Horizon
A Powerfully Distinctive New Voice
Discovering your own voice as a writer can often take years of writing. For some, it's a lifelong quest. Other writers seem to come out of nowhere, fully formed, with their own style, and a distinctive, individualistic message.
Calleey Horizon is one of them.
She is a new, exciting, and prolific writer who is rapidly creating a substantial body of unique, quality work.
Both Prose and Poetry
She has written both prose and poetry, and freely moves back and forth between both genres.
Calleey has, at any given time, about four projects in various stages of development simultaneously, and she often sits down to write, only to find herself still at the keyboard ten or twelve hours later.
"I get so engrossed in the story, and where the characters are going, that I lose track of time. When their voices begin to speak to me, I simply have to listen, and I'm unable to turn them off. It's a blessing, I guess. For me, writer's block doesn't exist."
An Unmistakable Character
You'll find that it's a blessing for you, too, when you open up one of her novels or volumes of poetry.
You won't be able to ignore the voices - or Calleey's voice - either.